Child Support

New Haven Child Support Lawyer

Navigating Complex Cases with Compassion and Expertise in Connecticut

Securing your children's well-being and future is paramount when navigating the complexities of divorce and family law. At The Law Offices of Thomas J. Piscatelli, LLC, we understand families' unique challenges during such times. As your trusted New Haven child support lawyers, we are committed to providing you with expert legal guidance to ensure that your children's financial needs are met in accordance with Connecticut's child support laws.

Call The Law Offices of Thomas J. Piscatelli, LLC, today at (203) 528-0890 or contact us online to meet with our child support attorney in New Haven!

Connecticut Child Support Laws

Child support is a legal obligation that assures both parents contribute to the financial care of their children following a divorce or separation. In Connecticut, child support matters are governed by state laws designed to safeguard the child's best interests. Our experienced team at The Law Offices of Thomas J. Piscatelli, LLC, is well-versed in these laws and can help you navigate them effectively.

Connecticut's child support laws are founded on the principle that both parents have a financial responsibility to their children. This responsibility continues regardless of the marital status of the parents. Our dedicated attorneys are here to advocate for your children's rights and entitlements, ensuring their needs are met while maintaining financial stability.

How is Child Support Calculated in Connecticut?

Determining the appropriate amount of child support involves several factors, each contributing to a fair and equitable calculation. Connecticut employs a formula that considers parents' incomes, custody arrangements, and other relevant factors. The formula takes into account the following components:

  • Gross Income: The income of both parents, including wages, salaries, bonuses, and other sources of income.
  • Parenting Time: The amount of time each parent spends with the child, as custodial arrangements impact financial responsibilities.
  • Child-Related Expenses: Costs associated with child care, health insurance, education, and extracurricular activities.
  • Other Children: If either parent supports other children from different relationships, this may impact the child support calculation.
  • Alimony Payments: If one parent pays alimony to the other, this is considered in the child support calculation.

Our skilled New Haven child support lawyers have extensive experience accurately assessing these factors and ensuring that the final child support calculation is just and in your children's best interests. We understand that every family situation is unique and are dedicated to tailoring our legal strategies to meet your needs.

What Age Do You Stop Paying Child Support in Connecticut?

Child support payments continue until the child turns 18 or graduates from high school, whichever comes later. If the child has special needs or requires ongoing support due to a disability, child support may extend beyond 18. Working with an experienced family attorney is crucial to ensure that child support obligations are appropriately addressed and legally terminated when the time comes.

Contact Our Child Support Attorney in New Haven Today

We understand that child support matters can be emotionally challenging and legally complex. Our dedicated team of New Haven child support lawyers is here to provide you with compassionate guidance, expert advice, and assertive representation. We are committed to securing a stable future for your children while safeguarding your rights and financial stability.

Contact The Law Offices of Thomas J. Piscatelli, LLC today to schedule a consultation with our child support lawyer in New Haven!

Why Hire Our Firm?

Experienced. Reliable. Trusted.
  • Advocating for Your Family's Best Interest
  • Responsive & Accessible From Start to Finish
  • Prepared to Go Trial When a Settlement Is Not a Viable Solution
  • Extensive Courtoom & Trial Experience
  • Attorney Piscatelli Handles Every Aspect of Every Case
  • Ready to Protect & Defend Your Rights in Court

Client Reviews

Well-Respected & Well-Trusted
  • “He is responsive, knowledgeable and driven to achieve the best possible outcome for his clients”

    - Paul J.
  • “I would highly recommend him to anyone requiring his area of legal expertise.”

    - Ed S.
  • “Tom is very professional and puts his clients first. He establishes good sound advise”

    - Kevin B.